commit ed142fa8e7ac85fcff8a3b767f893b126c48bef9
Author: 陆绍超 <>
Date: Wed May 15 17:43:10 2024 +0800
first commit'
diff --git a/.idea/.gitignore b/.idea/.gitignore
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+# 默认忽略的文件
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+Project name:swDLiner_3
+Created on 2024/05/10 上午11:45
+import torch
+import torch.nn as nn
+from torch.nn.utils import weight_norm
+class Chomp1d(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, chomp_size):
+ super(Chomp1d, self).__init__()
+ self.chomp_size = chomp_size
+ def forward(self, x):
+ """
+ 其实这就是一个裁剪的模块,裁剪多出来的padding
+ """
+ return x[:, :, :-self.chomp_size].contiguous()
+class TemporalBlock(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, n_inputs, n_outputs, kernel_size, stride, dilation, padding, dropout=0.2):
+ """
+ 相当于一个Residual block
+ :param n_inputs: int, 输入通道数
+ :param n_outputs: int, 输出通道数
+ :param kernel_size: int, 卷积核尺寸
+ :param stride: int, 步长,一般为1
+ :param dilation: int, 膨胀系数
+ :param padding: int, 填充系数
+ :param dropout: float, dropout比率
+ """
+ super(TemporalBlock, self).__init__()
+ self.conv1 = weight_norm(nn.Conv1d(n_inputs, n_outputs, kernel_size,
+ stride=stride, padding=padding, dilation=dilation))
+ # 经过conv1,输出的size其实是(Batch, input_channel, seq_len + padding)
+ self.chomp1 = Chomp1d(padding) # 裁剪掉多出来的padding部分,维持输出时间步为seq_len
+ self.relu1 = nn.ReLU()
+ self.dropout1 = nn.Dropout(dropout)
+ self.conv2 = weight_norm(nn.Conv1d(n_outputs, n_outputs, kernel_size,
+ stride=stride, padding=padding, dilation=dilation))
+ self.chomp2 = Chomp1d(padding) # 裁剪掉多出来的padding部分,维持输出时间步为seq_len
+ self.relu2 = nn.ReLU()
+ self.dropout2 = nn.Dropout(dropout)
+ = nn.Sequential(self.conv1, self.chomp1, self.relu1, self.dropout1,
+ self.conv2, self.chomp2, self.relu2, self.dropout2)
+ self.downsample = nn.Conv1d(n_inputs, n_outputs, 1) if n_inputs != n_outputs else None
+ self.relu = nn.ReLU()
+ self.init_weights()
+ def init_weights(self):
+ """
+ 参数初始化
+ :return:
+ """
+, 0.01)
+, 0.01)
+ if self.downsample is not None:
+, 0.01)
+ def forward(self, x):
+ """
+ :param x: size of (Batch, input_channel, seq_len)
+ :return:
+ """
+ out =
+ res = x if self.downsample is None else self.downsample(x)
+ return self.relu(out + res)
+class TemporalConvNet(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, seq_len, pred_len, num_inputs, num_channels, kernel_size=2, dropout=0.2):
+ """
+ TCN,目前paper给出的TCN结构很好的支持每个时刻为一个数的情况,即sequence结构,
+ 对于每个时刻为一个向量这种一维结构,勉强可以把向量拆成若干该时刻的输入通道,
+ 对于每个时刻为一个矩阵或更高维图像的情况,就不太好办。
+ :param num_inputs: int, 输入通道数
+ :param num_channels: list,每层的hidden_channel数,例如[25,25,25,25]表示有4个隐层,每层hidden_channel数为25
+ :param kernel_size: int, 卷积核尺寸
+ :param dropout: float, drop_out比率
+ """
+ super(TemporalConvNet, self).__init__()
+ layers = []
+ num_levels = len(num_channels)
+ for i in range(num_levels):
+ dilation_size = 2 ** i # 膨胀系数:1,2,4,8……
+ in_channels = num_inputs if i == 0 else num_channels[i - 1] # 确定每一层的输入通道数
+ out_channels = num_channels[i] # 确定每一层的输出通道数
+ layers += [TemporalBlock(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride=1, dilation=dilation_size,
+ padding=(kernel_size - 1) * dilation_size, dropout=dropout)]
+ = nn.Sequential(*layers)
+ self.mlp = nn.Linear(seq_len, pred_len)
+ def forward(self, x):
+ """
+ 输入x的结构不同于RNN,一般RNN的size为(Batch, seq_len, channels)或者(seq_len, Batch, channels),
+ 这里把seq_len放在channels后面,把所有时间步的数据拼起来,当做Conv1d的输入尺寸,实现卷积跨时间步的操作,
+ 很巧妙的设计。
+ :param x: size of (Batch, seq_len,input_channel)
+ :return: size of (Batch, seq_len, output_channel)
+ """
+ x = x.permute(0, 2, 1)
+ x =
+ x = self.mlp(x)
+ x = x.permute(0, 2, 1)
+ return x
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ import argparse
+ x = torch.randn([2, 120, 25])
+ model_net = TemporalConvNet(seq_len=120, pred_len=60,num_inputs=32, num_channels=[25, 30, 35, 35, 30, 25])
+ pred = model_net(x)
+ print(pred)
+ print(pred.size())
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfbf6fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
+Project name:swDLiner
+Created on 2024/05/07 下午1:20
+import os
+import pandas as pd
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+import torch.nn as nn
+from import Dataset, DataLoader
+from TCN import TemporalConvNet
+import json
+import tornado.web
+from tornado.escape import json_decode
+from tornado.log import LogFormatter
+import logging
+from datetime import datetime
+class NormalizedScaler:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.min_value = 0.
+ self.max_value = 1.0
+ self.target_column_indices = None
+ def fit(self, data):
+ self.min_value = data.min(0)
+ self.max_value = data.max(0)
+ # 计算最小值和最大值
+ self.maxmin_zeros = ((self.max_value - self.min_value) <= 1e-2)
+ # print(self.maxmin_zeros)
+ def transform(self, data):
+ max_value = torch.from_numpy(self.max_value).type_as(data).to(data.device) if torch.is_tensor(
+ data) else self.max_value
+ min_value = torch.from_numpy(self.min_value).type_as(data).to(data.device) if torch.is_tensor(
+ data) else self.min_value
+ if any(self.maxmin_zeros):
+ normalized_data = torch.zeros_like(data) if torch.is_tensor(data) else np.zeros_like(data)
+ # 对每一列进行归一化,除非该列的最大值和最小值相等
+ for col in range(data.shape[1]):
+ if not self.maxmin_zeros[col]:
+ normalized_data[:, col] = (data[:, col] - min_value[col]) / (max_value[col] - min_value[col])
+ else:
+ normalized_data = (data - min_value) / (max_value - min_value)
+ return normalized_data
+ def y_transform(self, data):
+ max_value = torch.from_numpy(self.max_value[self.target_column_indices]).type_as(data).to(
+ data.device) if torch.is_tensor(
+ data) else self.max_value[self.target_column_indices]
+ min_value = torch.from_numpy(self.min_value[self.target_column_indices]).type_as(data).to(
+ data.device) if torch.is_tensor(
+ data) else self.min_value[self.target_column_indices]
+ maxmin_zeros = self.maxmin_zeros[self.target_column_indices]
+ if any(self.maxmin_zeros):
+ normalized_data = torch.zeros_like(data) if torch.is_tensor(data) else np.zeros_like(data)
+ # 对每一列进行归一化,除非该列的最大值和最小值相等
+ for col in range(data.shape[1]):
+ if not maxmin_zeros[col]:
+ normalized_data[:, col] = (data[:, col] - min_value[col]) / (max_value[col] - min_value[col])
+ else:
+ normalized_data = (data - min_value) / (max_value - min_value)
+ return normalized_data
+ def inverse_transform(self, data):
+ max_value = torch.from_numpy(self.max_value[self.target_column_indices]).type_as(data).to(
+ data.device) if torch.is_tensor(
+ data) else self.max_value[self.target_column_indices]
+ min_value = torch.from_numpy(self.min_value[self.target_column_indices]).type_as(data).to(
+ data.device) if torch.is_tensor(
+ data) else self.min_value[self.target_column_indices]
+ return (data * (max_value - min_value)) + min_value
+class Dataset_GUISANLI_minute(Dataset):
+ def __init__(self, size=None, target=None, column_order=None, scale=True):
+ if target is None:
+ = ['Do', 'outCod', 'outNH3N', 'outPh', 'outTN', 'outTP']
+ else:
+ = target
+ if column_order is None:
+ # 列名列表,按照这个顺序排列
+ self.column_order = ['Do', 'Do1', 'Do2', 'inCod', 'inFlow', 'inNH3N', 'inPh',
+ 'outCod', 'outFlow', 'outFlowNow', 'outNH3N', 'outPh',
+ 'outTN', 'outTP', 'yw_bz', 'yw_mc1', 'yw_mc2', 'yw_tj2']
+ else:
+ self.column_order = column_order
+ if size is None:
+ self.seq_len = 120
+ self.pred_len = 60
+ else:
+ self.seq_len = size[0]
+ self.pred_len = size[1]
+ self.scale = scale
+ self.scaler = NormalizedScaler()
+ self.df_raw = None
+ def read_data(self, df_raw):
+ self.df_raw = df_raw
+ '''
+ df_raw.columns: ['date', ...(other features), target feature]
+ '''
+ if not all(column in df_raw.columns for column in self.column_order):
+ print(f"DataFrame must contain columns: {self.column_order}")
+ # 使用reindex方法按照列名列表对列进行排列
+ df_data = df_raw[self.column_order]
+ self.data_x = df_data
+ self.data_y = df_data
+ if
+ self.data_y = self.data_y[]
+ if self.scale:
+ # 获取列名对应的列索引列表,给反标准化做准备
+ column_indices_1 = [self.data_x.columns.get_loc(col) for col in]
+ self.scaler.target_column_indices = column_indices_1
+ def __getitem__(self, index):
+ s_begin = index
+ s_end = s_begin + self.seq_len
+ r_begin = s_end
+ r_end = r_begin + self.pred_len
+ seq_x = self.data_x[s_begin:s_end]
+ seq_y = self.data_y[r_begin:r_end]
+ if self.scale:
+ x_data = self.scaler.transform(seq_x.values)
+ y_data = self.scaler.y_transform(seq_y.values)
+ return torch.from_numpy(x_data).to(torch.float32), torch.from_numpy(y_data).to(torch.float32)
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.data_x) - self.seq_len - self.pred_len + 1
+ def inverse_transform(self, data):
+ return self.scaler.inverse_transform(data)
+class Pred_GUISANLI_minute():
+ def __init__(self, size=None, target=None, column_order=None, scale=True, sn=None):
+ if column_order is None:
+ self.column_order = ['Do', 'Do1', 'Do2', 'inCod', 'inFlow', 'inNH3N', 'inPh',
+ 'outCod', 'outFlow', 'outFlowNow', 'outNH3N', 'outPh',
+ 'outTN', 'outTP', 'yw_bz', 'yw_mc1', 'yw_mc2', 'yw_tj2']
+ else:
+ self.column_order = column_order
+ if target is None:
+ = ['Do', 'outCod', 'outNH3N', 'outPh', 'outTN', 'outTP'] # 6
+ else:
+ = target
+ if size is None:
+ self.seq_len = 120
+ self.pred_len = 60
+ else:
+ self.seq_len = size[0]
+ self.pred_len = size[1]
+ self.scale = scale
+ self.scaler = NormalizedScaler()
+ = sn
+ self.df_raw = None
+ def get_df_raw(self, df_raw):
+ self.df_raw = df_raw
+ '''
+ df_raw.columns: ['date', ...(other features), target feature]
+ '''
+ # 列名列表,按照这个顺序排列
+ if not all(column in self.df_raw.columns for column in self.column_order):
+ print(f"DataFrame must contain columns: {self.column_order}")
+ def __getitem__(self, index):
+ self.data_x = self.df_raw[self.column_order] # 预测数据
+ self.data_date = self.df_raw['date'] # 时间数据
+ if self.scale:
+ # 获取列名对应的列索引列表,给反标准化做准备
+ column_indices_1 = [self.data_x.columns.get_loc(col) for col in]
+ self.scaler.target_column_indices = column_indices_1
+ # 使用reindex方法按照列名列表对列进行排列
+ s_begin = len(self.data_x) - self.seq_len - index
+ s_end = s_begin + self.seq_len
+ seq_date = self.data_date[s_begin:s_end]
+ seq_x = self.data_x[s_begin:s_end]
+ if self.scale:
+ # 测试是否为数据的部分,已经为测试标签联合测试
+ # print('==start' * 20)
+ # print(seq_x)
+ # print('==end' * 20)
+ x_data = self.scaler.transform(seq_x.values)
+ return seq_date.values, torch.from_numpy(x_data).to(torch.float32)
+ def __len__(self):
+ if self.df_raw is None:
+ return 0
+ elif (len(self.df_raw) - self.seq_len + 1) < 0:
+ return 0
+ else:
+ return len(self.df_raw) - self.seq_len + 1
+ def inverse_transform(self, data):
+ return self.scaler.inverse_transform(data)
+def load_model(weights_path, num_inputs=32, num_outputs=6):
+ predict_model = TemporalConvNet(seq_len=120,
+ pred_len=60,
+ num_inputs=num_inputs,
+ num_channels=[64, 128, 256, 128, 64, 32, num_outputs]) # 加载模型
+ if os.path.exists(weights_path):
+ model_weights = torch.load(weights_path) # 读取权重文件
+ predict_model.load_state_dict(model_weights) # 模型加载权重
+ else:
+ print("模型权重不存在")
+ return predict_model
+def config_init():
+ # 从文件中读取JSON并转换回字典
+ config_load = {
+ '20210225GUISANLI': {'model': './Upload/GUIGWULI/TCN_weights_GUIGWULIm1.pth',
+ 'data_loader': '20210225GUISANLI',
+ 'SN': '20210225GUISANLI',
+ 'target': ['Do', 'outCod', 'outNH3N', 'outPh', 'outTN', 'outTP'],
+ 'columns': ['Do', 'Do1', 'Do2', 'inCod', 'inFlowNow', 'inNH3N', 'inPh', 'outCod',
+ 'outFlowNow', 'outNH3N', 'outPh', 'outTN', 'outTP', 'yw_bz', 'yw_mc1',
+ 'yw_mc2', 'yw_tj2'],
+ },
+ '20210207GUIGWULI': {'model': './Upload/GUIGWULI/TCN_weights_GUIGWULIm1.pth',
+ 'data_loader': '20210207GUIGWULI',
+ 'SN': '20210207GUIGWULI',
+ 'target': ['Do', 'outCod', 'outNH3N', 'outPh', 'outTN', 'outTP'],
+ 'columns': ['Do', 'inCod', 'inFlowNow', 'inNH3N', 'inPh', 'outCod', 'outFlowNow',
+ 'outNH3N', 'outPh', 'outTN', 'outTP', 'yw_bz', 'yw_mc1', 'yw_mc2', 'yw_tj1'],
+ },
+ '20210309ZHANGMUZ': {'model': './Upload/GUIGWULI/TCN_weights_GUIGWULIm1.pth',
+ 'data_loader': '20210309ZHANGMUZ',
+ 'SN': '20210309ZHANGMUZ',
+ 'target': ['outCOD', 'outNH3N', 'outPH', 'outTN', 'outTP'],
+ 'columns': ['inCOD', 'inFlowNow', 'inNH3N', 'inPH', 'outCOD', 'outFlowNow', 'outNH3N',
+ 'outPH', 'outTN', 'outTP', 'yw_bz', 'yw_mc1', 'yw_mc2', 'yw_mc3', 'yw_mc4',
+ 'yw_tj1', 'yw_tj2', 'yw_tj3', 'yw_tj4']
+ },
+ }
+ # with open('config', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+ # config_load = json.load(f)
+ # config_load = dict(config_load)
+ configs = {}
+ for key, val in config_load.items():
+ config_item = {}
+ for k, v in val.items():
+ if k == 'model':
+ config_item[k] = load_model(weights_path=v,
+ num_inputs=len(val.get('columns', [])),
+ num_outputs=len(val.get('target', [])))
+ elif k == 'data_loader':
+ config_item[k] = Pred_GUISANLI_minute(sn=v,
+ target=val.get('target', None),
+ column_order=val.get('columns', None))
+ elif k == 'SN':
+ config_item[k] = v
+ elif k == 'target':
+ config_item[k] = v
+ elif k == 'columns':
+ config_item[k] = v
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("配置错误")
+ configs[key] = config_item
+ return configs
+configs = config_init()
+def pseudo_model_predict(model, pred_data_loader):
+ # 尝试从pred_data_loader加载预测数据
+ if len(pred_data_loader) > 0:
+ # 假设pred_data_loader是一个列表,并且至少有一个元素
+ date, predict_data = pred_data_loader[0]
+ else:
+ return {}
+ try:
+ # 将预测数据转换为一个批次,在PyTorch中,每个批次至少需要有一个样本
+ predict_data = torch.unsqueeze(predict_data, 0) # 第0维加入batch维度
+ # 确保模型处于评估模式
+ model.eval()
+ # 使用模型进行推理
+ predict_result = model(predict_data)
+ # 删除batch维度
+ predict_result = torch.squeeze(predict_result, 0)
+ # 对预测结果进行后处理
+ predict_result = pred_data_loader.inverse_transform(predict_result)
+ # 确保预测结果是一个numpy数组
+ predict_result = predict_result.detach().numpy()
+ # 创建一个时间序列索引
+ start_time = pd.Timestamp(date[-1])
+ date = pd.date_range(start=start_time + pd.Timedelta(minutes=1), periods=len(predict_result), freq='T')
+ # 创建一个DataFrame,将时间序列索引作为列
+ df = pd.DataFrame(date, columns=['date'])
+ # 标题行列表
+ target_headers = ['outCod', 'outTN', 'outNH3N', 'outTP', 'outPh', 'Do']
+ # 将时间序列索引设置为DataFrame的索引
+ df[target_headers] = predict_result
+ print(df)
+ # 将DataFrame转换为JSON格式的字符串
+ json_str = df.to_json(orient='records')
+ print(json_str)
+ except Exception as e: # 使用异常捕获来处理可能出现的任何异常
+ # 记录错误信息
+ print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
+ # 返回一个空的字典作为JSON字符串
+ json_str = {}
+ return json_str
+# 模型预测请求
+class PredictHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
+ def get(self, keyword):
+ if keyword in configs.keys():
+ json_str = pseudo_model_predict(configs[keyword]['model'], configs[keyword]['data_loader'])
+ # 构造响应数据
+ response = {"prediction": json_str}
+ # 设置响应的Content-Type为application/json
+ self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/json")
+ # 将结果返回给客户端
+ self.write(json.dumps(response))
+ else:
+ self.write("Unknown keyword.")
+# 模型上传请求
+class UploadHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
+ def post(self):
+ # 获取表单字段
+ group_name = self.get_body_argument('groupName')
+ model_file = self.request.files['modelFile'][0]
+ csv_file = self.request.files['csvTable'][0]
+ # 创建组别目录
+ save_path = os.path.join('./Upload', group_name)
+ if not os.path.exists(save_path):
+ os.makedirs(save_path)
+ # 保存模型文件
+ model_filename = model_file.filename
+ model_path = os.path.join(save_path, model_filename)
+ with open(model_path, 'wb') as f:
+ f.write(model_file.body)
+ # 保存CSV文件
+ csv_filename = csv_file.filename
+ csv_path = os.path.join(save_path, csv_filename)
+ with open(csv_path, 'wb') as f:
+ f.write(csv_file.body)
+ self.write(f'Files for group "{group_name}" have been uploaded and saved successfully.')
+async def train(data_set, predict_model, pth_save_name):
+ print('模型训练开始')
+ random_seed = 240510 # set a random seed for reproducibility
+ np.random.seed(random_seed)
+ torch.manual_seed(random_seed)
+ # prep_dataloader 函数 将数据拆分成训练集与验证集。 并载入dataloader
+ train_dataloader = DataLoader(
+ data_set,
+ batch_size=16,
+ shuffle=True,
+ num_workers=0,
+ drop_last=False)
+ loss_function = nn.MSELoss() # 采用MSE为回归的损失函数
+ optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(predict_model.parameters(), lr=0.0001) # 采用Adam优化器
+ epochs = 4 # 迭代epoch次数
+ train_epoch_loss = [] # 记录每个训练epoch的平均损失
+ for epoch in range(epochs):
+ # train --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ predict_model.train()
+ train_step_loss = []
+ for step, data in enumerate(train_dataloader):
+ sample, label = data
+ optimizer.zero_grad() # 清空梯度,pytorch默认梯度会保留累加
+ pre = predict_model(sample)
+ loss = loss_function(pre, label)
+ loss.backward()
+ optimizer.step()
+ train_step_loss.append(loss.item())
+ train_average_loss = sum(train_step_loss) / len(train_step_loss)
+ train_epoch_loss.append(train_average_loss)
+ print(f"[在第{epoch + 1:}个epoch,训练的]: train_epoch_loss = {train_average_loss:.4f}")
+, pth_save_name)
+ print('模型训练完成')
+ return predict_model
+# ==========================================
+# 定时获取数据
+# ==========================================
+http_client = tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient()
+async def generate_data():
+ global http_client
+ global configs
+ try:
+ for k1, v1 in configs.items():
+ SN = v1['SN']
+ # 请求头
+ headers = {
+ 'Authority': '',
+ 'Method': 'POST',
+ 'Path': '/exeCmd',
+ 'Scheme': 'https',
+ 'Accept': 'application/json, text/plain, */*',
+ 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br, zstd',
+ 'Accept-Language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en;q=0.8,en-GB;q=0.7,en-US;q=0.6',
+ 'Cmd': 'GetAllConfigs',
+ 'Content-Length': '2',
+ 'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8',
+ 'Origin': '',
+ 'Priority': 'u=1, i',
+ 'Referer': '',
+ 'Sec-Ch-Ua': '"Chromium";v="124", "Microsoft Edge";v="124", "Not-A.Brand";v="99"',
+ 'Sec-Ch-Ua-Mobile': '?0',
+ 'Sec-Ch-Ua-Platform': '"Windows"',
+ 'Sec-Fetch-Dest': 'empty',
+ 'Sec-Fetch-Mode': 'cors',
+ 'Sec-Fetch-Site': 'cross-site',
+ 'Sn': SN,
+ 'Token': '45a73a59b3d23545',
+ 'Uid': '0',
+ 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) '
+ 'Chrome/ '
+ 'Safari/537.36 Edg/ '
+ }
+ # 构造POST请求的URL和参数
+ response = await http_client.fetch("", method="POST", headers=headers,
+ body=json.dumps({}))
+ # 检查响应状态码
+ if response.code == 200:
+ # 解析响应数据(假设是JSON格式)
+ response_data = response.body.decode('utf-8')
+ # 将字符串解析为 JSON 对象
+ response_data = json.loads(response_data)
+ SwitchTerminals = response_data['Result']['SwitchTerminals']
+ AnalogTerminals = response_data['Result']['AnalogTerminals']
+ # 获取当前时间并格式化为字符串
+ current_time =
+ item_dict = {'date': current_time} # 为数据添加现在的时间
+ item_key_list_1 = []
+ item_key_list_2 = []
+ for child in AnalogTerminals:
+ key = child['key']
+ value = child['value']
+ item_dict[key] = value
+ item_key_list_1.append(key)
+ for child in SwitchTerminals:
+ key = child['key']
+ value = child['value']
+ item_dict[key] = value
+ item_key_list_2.append(key)
+ if v1['data_loader'].df_raw is None:
+ # 第一次创建df
+ # 获取当前日期
+ current_date ="%Y%m%d")
+ # 构建文件名模式
+ file_pattern = f"./{current_date}_{SN}.csv"
+ # 判断当前文件夹是否存在该文件
+ file_exists = os.path.exists(file_pattern)
+ if file_exists:
+ v1['data_loader'].get_df_raw(pd.read_csv(file_pattern, parse_dates=True))
+ else:
+ item_key_list_1 = sorted(item_key_list_1)
+ item_key_list_2 = sorted(item_key_list_2)
+ sort_list = ['date'] + item_key_list_1 + item_key_list_2
+ print(sort_list, len(sort_list))
+ v1['data_loader'].get_df_raw(pd.DataFrame(columns=sort_list))
+ # 使用concat方法添加新行
+ v1['data_loader'].df_raw = pd.concat([v1['data_loader'].df_raw, pd.DataFrame([item_dict])],
+ ignore_index=True)
+ # json_str_GUISANLI = pseudo_model_predict(v1['model'], v1['data_loader'])
+ print(f'请求成功,状态码:{response.code}')
+ else:
+ print(f'请求失败,状态码:{response.code}')
+ print("============ 每隔一分钟展示df ====================")
+ print(v1['data_loader'].df_raw.tail()) # 每隔一分钟展示df
+ print(f"shape:{v1['data_loader'].df_raw.shape}")
+ print("===============================================")
+ # 保存到文件以防止
+ if len(v1['data_loader'].df_raw) % 10 == 0:
+ # 获取当前日期
+ current_date ="%Y%m%d")
+ # 构建文件名模式
+ file_pattern = f"./{current_date}_{SN}.csv"
+ data_set = Dataset_GUISANLI_minute(target=v1.get('target', None), column_order=v1.get('columns', None))
+ data_set.read_data(v1['data_loader'].df_raw)
+ predict_model = v1['model']
+ configs[k1]['model'] = await train(data_set=data_set,
+ predict_model=predict_model,
+ pth_save_name=f"./{current_date}_{SN}_TCN.pth")
+ v1['data_loader'].df_raw.to_csv(file_pattern, index=False)
+ # df_new = v1['data_loader'].df_raw.iloc[-120:, :].copy()
+ # del v1['data_loader'].df_raw
+ # v1['data_loader'].df_raw = df_new
+ # v1['data_loader'].df_raw.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
+ except tornado.httpclient.HTTPError as e:
+ print("HTTP Error:", e)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception:", e)
+ finally:
+ http_client.close()
+# 创建Tornado应用
+app = tornado.web.Application([
+ (r"/predict/(\w+)", PredictHandler),
+ (r"/upload", UploadHandler),
+# 配置日志
+# logger = logging.getLogger()
+# logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+# formatter = LogFormatter(
+# fmt='%(color)s[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s - %(message)s%(end_color)s',
+# datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
+# )
+# # 设置日志文件
+# file_handler = logging.FileHandler("tornado.log")
+# file_handler.setFormatter(formatter)
+# logger.addHandler(file_handler)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ # 启动服务器
+ app.listen(8886)
+ print("Server started on port 8886")
+ # 每隔60秒调用一次generate_data函数
+ tornado.ioloop.PeriodicCallback(generate_data, 60000).start()
+ tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current().start()
diff --git a/upload.html b/upload.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd6c36f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upload.html
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ 模型和CSV文件上传
+ 上传模型和CSV文件